Valentine’s Day is a day focused on love. The activities we do are centered around hearts, love, kindness, and giving gifts. We give gifts to friends and family members to show them our love for them. But how about this year we shift our child’s focus to the love of God? How about doing some fun Valentine activities for kids that remind them of God’s amazing love for them?
Here are some ideas for you to do with your kids this Valentine’s Day!

Christian Valentine Cards
These cards help tell others about God’s love for them! There are 9 different designs (5 hearts and 4 pizza). Just download, print, cut out, and attach candy! These are great to use for your child’s class Valentine’s party at school!
Hearts of Love Trail
Cut hearts out of red construction paper. Write Bible verses on them that have to do with love. Just write where they come from in the Bible and not the actual verse. Place these hearts around your home for kids to find. When they find them, look up the Bible verses together and write the actual verse on the other side of the heart. Some verses to use: 1 John 4:7, 1 Corinthians 13:4, Romans 12:10, Luke 6:35a, John 3:16, Mark 12:30, John 13:34, 1 John 4:19, 1 Corinthians 13:13.
Bible Verse Scavenger Hunt
Take your kids on a hunt through the Bible for verses about God’s love. Kids will open their Bibles, find the verse, and write it down in the space provided. Use this fun printable to dive into God’s Word with your kids!

Scripture Pizza
This resource involves reading a Bible verse each day about God’s love with your kids, writing the verse onto a pizza slice template, and then creating a Scripture pizza! Every day kids will add a slice of God’s love to the pizza to create a whole pie! Families will create 4 Scripture pizzas for the month of February. This resource will help children learn more about God’s love and how God calls us to love others.
God’s Love Jar
Fill a jar with the love of God! Before the month of February, write down Bible verses on slips of paper that talk about God’s love. At dinner time each night in February, pull out one of the verses and read out loud. Discuss the verse with your kids and pray together.
Jesus Loves Me Banner
Display a banner in your home reminding your kids that Jesus loves them! Use this template to make a banner for your home. Children and parents can color and decorate each pennant and string with yarn to hang in their home.
This I Know
This family faith kit is a 4-week Valentine’s devotional for kids and families. This resource focuses on 4 stories in the New Testament that help them know that Jesus loves them. It includes 4 weeks of the following: Family Devotion, Family Game, Family Craft, and a Valentine Snack (one of each of these per week).
Love Letters to Jesus
Families can write love letters to Jesus to show their love for Him. In the letters, have family members write down why they love Jesus and thank Him for all He does for them. Then hang these letters in your home for the month of February. Want a template for a letter? Download it below.
Heart Cookies
Make heart-shaped cookies and deliver them to neighbors and friends, or you could even deliver them to your local police or firefighter stations. I like to use sugar cookie dough and frosting (dyed red). Roll the dough out, use a heart cookie cutter to make the heart cookies, and bake according to directions on box. Fill a cellophane bag or Ziploc bag with cookies and attach this God is Love tag to the outside.
Sticky Notes of God’s Love
Use sticky notes to tell your child why God loves them! Place these sticky notes on their bedroom door every day in February. If you want to use a template instead of a sticky note, download the one below.
John 3:16 Heart Tower
Cut hearts out of red or pink construction paper. Write one word from John 3:16 on each heart. Then shuffle the hearts up and have your kids race to build a heart tower (on the floor or on the wall) putting the verse in order from top to bottom. Repeat this game over the course of the month to help them learn this verse.
Our kids need to be reminded of God’s love for them every day! They need to know how much He cares for them. I pray these Valentine activities for kids fill them with so much joy in knowing that God loves them!
Looking for gift ideas for your kids for Valentine’s Day? Check out the post below.
Christian Valentine Basket Ideas for Kids