I am one of those people who does not like to have notifications on the home screen on my phone. Those little numbers drive me crazy! I want them gone. Some of those I can turn off (like for emails or texts), but the ones regarding updates I need on my phone to ensure it’s up-to-date on all things (especially security), are the ones that stay on until I update it. And to make sure those notifications stay gone, I update my phone when it tells me to. So simple and easy to do!
So, why do I have a hard time staying updated when it comes to the use of technology in my ministry?
Maybe it’s because I feel overwhelmed at the thought of all there is to do in that area. Maybe it’s because it requires me to learn how to do stuff I don’t know how to do (on top of everything else I have to do, who has the time?). Or maybe it’s because that is the least of my worries each week.

I know how important it is to maintain a digital presence in my ministry, but it wasn’t until I read Time to Update by Brittany Nelson, that I understood the why behind it. Digital discipleship is important for our church and ministry settings in the world we live in today, and we need to know how to use technology and implement it to continue spreading the Gospel. Why you ask? As Brittany says in her book, “Digital is all the next generation knows. Digital provides opportunities for the church like never before. Digital is here to stay” (p. 5). We have been given a tool that can help us connect with the people in our churches, but most importantly, a tool that can help us share Jesus with so many people.
As a digital immigrant (someone born before the use of the internet, a term that I learned in Brittany’s book), the use of technology comes in second to my natural habit of using pen and paper. I have had to learn how to use the internet, social media, and other technology in my personal life and in my ministry. But sometimes I just don’t know what to do (as far as using it in my ministry).
One of the things I love about Time to Update is that Brittany gives you practical ideas and ways to use technology in your ministry. She guides you and gives you strategies in using it in these areas: safety and integrity, church website, teaching kids, partnering with parents, connecting with volunteers, social media, and administration. I am so thankful she explained the why behind digital discipleship, but I am more thankful for the practical ideas she shares. She doesn’t just give us a book telling us we need to do this, she gives us ideas! And this digital immigrant loves that!
I highly recommend this book for all of you who serve in Children’s Ministry! It will guide you and give you a plan of action and ideas to use in your children’s ministry. You will walk away from this book feeling a little less overwhelmed when it comes to the digital world (and I think we all need that!).
Book Giveaway!
I am excited to be able to give away a copy of Time to Update by Brittany Nelson! If you would like to enter the giveaway, jump over to my post on Instagram for more details!
How do I order the book?
If you want to know even more about the book, check out Deeper KidMin for more details. And, if you want to buy the book, go to Amazon and order your copy!
Time to Update‘s Next Stop
Want to follow Time to Update‘s blog tour? Next week (Sept 5, 2023) you can find it featured on Simply Joy!