It’s summer break and kids are excited that school has ended! I love to tell the kids at my church that summer is a fun break from school, but it isn’t a time to take a break from reading the Bible! I want to keep kids in the Word while they are at home or on vacation this summer. So how can I make reading the Bible fun for kids this summer? One exciting way is to…
Take the Word Outside!

When I was in seminary, I had a summer internship in the Outer Banks. I was an intern helping with the children and youth programs at Mt. Olivet UMC in Manteo, NC. Best summer job ever! The thing I loved about my job there was how they did an excellent job at teaching kids the Word in the outdoors. One of the ways was through their non-traditional VBS. They spread their VBS days out over the course of the summer, and they helped kids experience the Word of God outside. One week the Bible story was Jonah and the Whale and we took the kids on a field trip to the local aquarium to see the many big fish there. After our tour, we went outside and talked about Jonah. One week the story was Jesus Walking on Water. We took the kids out on a boat and talked about Jesus. One week the story was Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness. We took the kids to a church member’s house that had a huge field. We created “tents” out of sheets hanging from the trees. As we sat inside we told the story of the Israelites collecting manna. All of these were awesome outdoor experiences that helped bring the Bible to life for the kids.
When I created the Where’s the Word resource last year, I used this VBS experience as a basis for helping kids understand that they can read God’s Word anywhere!! You don’t have to be in a church building, at the dinner table, or in your bed before you go to sleep to read the Bible. Getting outside and experiencing the story is another great way to read it!
Here are a few fun outdoor activities you can do with your kids AND read the Bible with them at the same time! You can do these with your kids at home or if you’re a children’s ministry leader, you can take your church kids outside this summer to teach the Word!
Making Mudpies

Bible Story: Jesus Healing the Blind Man (John 9:1-12)
One of my favorite things to do outside when I was a kid was to make mudpies! I would grab some paper plates and a small shovel and go to my backyard and start digging. Then I would add water and make a mudpie! I was usually pretty dirty when I came in but I didn’t care. It was fun!
Get your kids the supplies to make mudpies and take them outside! Grab your Bible and read this story from John 9 of Jesus healing the blind man by putting mud on his eyes. After reading, have them make a mudpie and then get them talking about the story by asking them questions or get their minds “wondering” about what it must have been like to be this man who was healed by Jesus.
Skipping Rocks
Bible Story: God is our Rock (Psalm 18:2)

Whether you’re at the lake, the river, or the creek in your backyard, skipping rocks is a fun activity for kids. My daughters loved this when they were little and still love to do it at the river we go camping at each summer. I am not very good at it, though! Apparently, it’s all in the wrist!
Practice skipping rocks with your kids. After they’ve had turns doing it, open up to Psalm 18:2 and read about how God is our Rock. Talk about what it means for God to be our Rock.
On a Pool Float

Bible Story: Jesus Healing the Paralyzed Man (Mark 2:1-12)
My kids loved pool floats when they were little and they still love pool floats as old teenagers! Floating in my pool right now at home is a gummy bear float!
Take a few minutes while your kids are at the pool laying on a float to read the Bible story of Jesus healing a paralyzed man whose friends lowered him down through the roof on a mat. A pool float makes a good prop to be used as a mat. Ask them questions about the story. Get them thinking about all the things going on around the story and wondering what it must have been like to have been the man who was healed by Jesus.
Jumping on a Trampoline
Bible Story: Peter Heals a Lame Beggar (Acts 3:1-10)
I didn’t have a trampoline as a kid, but I definitely loved going to my friend’s house and jumping on hers! I never gathered enough courage to try and do a flip, but I loved bouncing high! We didn’t have one while our kids were little, but one thing we did buy was the mini trampoline and my kids loved bouncing on it too!
If you have a big trampoline or a mini one, you can get your kids jumping! And while they do this, read this story from Acts 3 of when Peter healed a lame beggar. After he was healed, the man went into the temple “walking and leaping and praising God.” Talk with your kids about praising God and while they jump, get them to say something they praise God for every time they jump high! It’s a fun way to combine jumping and praising!

These are just a few examples of stories you can read to your kids from the Bible while they are outside! Where’s the Word resource has 2 months full of Bible stories to read and things to do while reading it. It also includes a few coloring pages and some summer snack recipes! It’s a fun resource to use this summer!

Reading the Bible with your kids can be fun, engaging, and exciting. Getting them outdoors and experiencing the Bible story is a great way for them to learn the Word of God. Let’s make reading the Bible fun for kids this summer and get outside with our kids and read the Bible together!