Summer time is here! And with that comes a break from school, vacations, camps, and more time at home with the family. But one thing I hope that kids don’t take a break from is reading the Bible. I want kids and families to continue diving into the Word of God during the summer time! That’s why I created several summer Bible reading plans for kids that make reading the Bible at home fun, simple and easy to do! Check out these five Bible reading plans for kids that will help your child remember the Lord and learn His Word this summer!

S’more Scripture
This resource combines memorizing Scripture with s’mores! S’more Scripture is an exciting resource filled with creative ways to help children memorize key Bible verses throughout the summer break. This resource is perfect for children who want to deepen their understanding of the Bible and hide God’s Word in their hearts. It includes 2 S’more Scripture booklets (that are designed liked s’mores) that kids can use to read s’more, write s’more, draw s’more, and color s’more. A fun way to help kids learn the Word in the summer!
Where’s the Word?
A summer resource that helps kids and families read the Bible in different and fun places. In the summer, schedules looks different. Families may take vacations or stay at home. But no matter where they go, they can easily take the Word of God with them. This resource will help make reading the Bible fun for kids wherever families go or whatever they do.
Families will take the travel board printables and see how many different places they can read the Bible this summer! As they read the Bible in a place or while doing a specific summer activity, they will mark it off and see how many boxes they can fill with God’s Word on their summer break.
Scripture Scoops
A kid-friendly Bible reading plan that combines ice cream with the Bible! For the summer, kids will scoop up the Word of God by reading verses in the book of Psalms. Then they will write a verse each day on an ice cream scoop, and create one big ice cream cone! I love the Psalms and these verses will help kids learn more about how David and others praised the Lord in this book. This resource includes 60 Bible verses from Psalms (30 for June and 30 for July), plus 4 ice cream recipes, and 4 ice cream Scripture coloring pages. A simple and easy resource for reading the Bible this summer!
Summer Bible Reading Bingo
This resource covers many Bible stories while playing Bingo! Kids will spend the summer reading one Bible story each day and will mark off each each square when they read one. If they Bingo, parents can choose to give their child a small prize. If you are using this with your church families, you can also incorporate small prizes with the kids in your church. This resource includes an Old Testament and New Testament Bingo card for both elementary and preschool kids. The preschool Bible stories are based on the Beginner’s Bible by Zonderkidz, but the cards are editable so you can use the Bible of your choice with preschoolers.
Adopt-a-Pet Scripture Reading Challenge
This is such a cute resource for helping kids read the Bible! This resource is designed to be used as an event with your children’s ministry, but could definitely be used with your own family. Kids will design homes for their pet, create a birth certificate for their pet, and be challenged to read the Bible with their pet. Kids love stuffed animals and having a Bible reading buddy with them this summer will make it fun for sure!
Breakfast with Jesus Family Faith Kit
This resource is based on my children’s devotional, Breakfast with Jesus: 100 Devotions for Kids About the Life of Jesus. It includes three family activities, a family faith bucket list, bookmark, breakfast recipe cards, and a bingo game! Families can use the Bingo game to read Bible stories and devotions in the book over the summer. Lots of fun activities to do with your kids over the summer and a fun way to read more stories about Jesus!
The Bible Food Truck Resource Pack
Did you know that there are so many stories or references to food in the Bible? The Bible Food Truck: 75 Devotions for Kids About Food in the Bible, digs into stories that teach kids more about God and food! Kids can also create their own ministry food truck throughout this book! This resource kit includes a Bingo game, Trivia Memory Game, bookmark, and an Alphabet Blessing printable. Another fun way to help your kids read the Word of God this summer!
What I love about helping kids read the Bible is helping them see that learning the Bible is not boring! You can read the Bible, learn more about God, and have fun while doing it! And it also doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Families and children can spend quality time learning the Word of God in a short span of time. These six Bible reading plans for kids will be a great way to help your kids stay in the word of God this summer!
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