If you could ask God any question, what would it be?
That’s the question that was centered around our Mustache Night at church. And what a fun night it was! Here are some ideas for you to use for this fun theme night!
I always love to add in a few decorations to the children’s hallway to make it fun and get the kids excited about the theme night. I usually pick a focus wall and decorate it (one that’s the center for all the kids to see). For this theme night I decorated the walls with these mustache tablecloths. This garland makes for a cute decoration, too. For the snack table I covered the table in black butcher paper (you could also use black plastic tablecloths). Then I sprinkled these mustache confetti on top of the table. I bought these mustache paper plates and napkins as well. I didn’t buy mustache cups, but if you wanted to have matching cups, you could always use white foam cups, print out a black mustache, and glue it to each cup. I also like to hang something from the ceiling (we have drop ceilings which makes it easy). I printed out a mustache, then copied it onto a transparency. I blew it up using an overhead projector and traced it onto black butcher paper (I made 2 of these). Then I glued them onto foam board (one on each side), and strung it from the ceiling so that it would hang. These were some easy decorations that added excitement for the kids!
I always love a good cupcake! Check your local bakery or store to see if they could make cupcakes with mustaches. If not, just have them make white cupcakes with white icing and add these mustache toothpicks to them. Then add in some fruit, chips, or other yummy but simple snacks that kids would love.
Activity – God Questions
It’s time for the kids to ask God their questions!
Supplies Needed: paper/construction paper, speech bubbles, markers or crayons.
For the younger classes, hand them a piece of paper or construction paper. Tell them to draw pictures for God. Then tell them to think of a question they would ask God. Leaders will then write their questions somewhere on the drawing they just made. For the older classes, hand them a speech bubble and ask them to write down their questions for God. Give them several speech bubbles if they have more than one question.
When all classes are finished, display them on a bulletin board on your children’s ministry hallway. Take a look at the picture to see the one I created for my church.

The younger kids asked things like: How are my grandparents? Can you say hello to my kitten for me? How old are you? How do you make flowers? How are things in heaven?
Some of the questions were silly: When were t-shirts invented? Do you like pants? Do you like brussel sprouts? Are beards a mistake? Is Harry Potter real? Did you make the world with your nose? I think these were some of our older kids being silly!
However, there were some really good questions: Jesus, will you live in my heart forever? What is heaven like? What is the exact time and date of my death? Why did you create the world?
This activity was amazing and I enjoyed reading all of the questions from our kids.
Bible Lesson – Matthew 16:13-19
I always like to include a Bible story that relates (as much as possible) to the theme night. For Mustache Night, I used the story found in Matthew 16 where Jesus asks a question of His disciples and then specifically turns to Peter and wants to know his answer for this question. Matthew 16:15-16 says, “‘But what about you?’ he asked. ‘Who do you say that I am?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.'” This is Peter’s first declaration of Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God.
Before you even read this story, give the children a sheet of paper. Then ask them the same question that Jesus asked His disciples: “Who do you say that Jesus is?” Allow kids to write down who Jesus is to them. Then collect the papers and read them aloud. Now, have kids grab their Bibles and read together Matthew 16:13-19. Discuss and pray.
I hope you got some good ideas to use for your next Mustache Night at church! Check out these other theme night posts:

I so needed to read this today!!!! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Glad it was helpful today! Praying for you Lindsey!!