Have you ever given your child a Christmas Eve Box? Or have you always wanted to but had no idea what to put inside? In this post, I share with you some Christmas Eve Box ideas for kids and families…but with a Christian twist.
Christmas Eve is an exciting day in the life of a child! Kids are filled with anticipation and excitement and ready to open presents and see what Santa Claus brought. But what if we turned the focus around? Instead of focusing on Santa, we focused on the birth of Jesus. What if we helped turn the excitement of Santa into an excitement for the day that Jesus was born?
What is a Christmas Eve Box?
A Christmas Eve Box is filled with goodies for a child that will give them the excitement of opening a gift before Christmas morning. This Christmas Eve Box is designed to help children and families focus on the birth of Jesus. It’s a box that kids and families can open together and read and learn about the night that Jesus was born.
As a Children’s Minister, I designed these boxes for the kids and families in my church. If you’re a parent reading this, you can definitely do this for just your family. Here some fun ideas for your Christmas Eve Box for your kids and for your family!

1. Christmas Eve Morning Family Devotion
Do this devotion with your family the morning of Christmas Eve. This devotion will help focus your child’s mind on the birth of Jesus first thing in the morning.
2. Away in a Manger Craft
I purchased this Away in a Manger craft from Oriental Trading.
3. My Gifts for Jesus Printable
Customize this printable for each child with their name, age, and year. Print it out and let children write in the gifts they would like to give to Jesus that year. Lay these by the manger in your Nativity set (as a way for kids to visually see these as gifts for Jesus).
4. Christmas Eve Traditions List
Print out this list of ideas for your family to do on Christmas Eve. See how many you can check off the list for the day!

5. Nativity Sticker Scenes
These Nativity Sticker Scenes from Oriental Trading are a great hands-on way to experience the Nativity story.
6. Christmas Candy
Everyone needs a sweet treat on Christmas Eve!
7. Popcorn for Movie Night
Snuggle up in the living room as a family and turn on your favorite Christmas movie! Some of my favorites are: Charlie Brown Christmas, The Polar Express, The Star, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and Home Alone 2.
8. Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows
Pour a cup of hot chocolate, turn on the fire, and enjoy this while watching a Christmas movie, too!
9. ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas
As you tuck your kids into bed at night, read your children this beautiful story of the birth of Jesus. This book by Glenys Nellist is the perfect book to read to your children on Christmas Eve. Glenys takes a Christian twist on this book and focuses on the night that Jesus was born. To learn more about this book, see my review. (Side note…if you serve in Children’s Ministry and want to purchase this book for your church families, you can get a bulk discount here).

How do I make this a personalized Christmas Eve Box for my kids and family?
If you would like the printables for this box and would like to customize it for your family or the families in your church, just subscribe to my blog! To do this, fill in your name and email address in the blue box (under the scrolling heading up top if on a computer or if on a phone it will be at the bottom of the page). Once you subscribe, check your email to confirm your subscription (make sure to check your spam folder if not in your inbox). Once you confirm your subscription, you will be sent a Welcome to My Blog email that will include a password that will give you access to my Family Resource Bible Study Library. You will just enter the password to that page and scroll down to find the printables.
Here are the Christmas Eve Box printables that are included:
Personalized Christmas Eve Box logo
You can customize with your family name or your child’s name. Then place on the front of the box or bag. There are 2 customizable sizes (one in landscape and one in portrait). Choose the size needed for the box or bag you are using.

What’s Inside printable
This is a list of items that are included. I have customized it with the items above. If you place additional items or don’t use all of what I have listed, you can add or delete as needed.

Christmas Traditions List
A list of ideas for families to do on Christmas Eve.

I hope you have found these Christmas Eve Box ideas for kids and families helpful! Have fun creating your family’s own Christmas Eve box!
For more Christmas fun with your family, check out these ideas:
Family Road Trip Christmas Activities for Kids
Christmas Wish List Printable for Kids
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Christmas Eve Box