Christian Valentine Cards

by Vanessa Myers

Valentine’s Day is upon us! And for school-age children, this means Valentine’s parties complete with cards and candy for the whole class! If you’re like me, you usually end up at Walmart or Target trying to find an inexpensive set of Valentine cards for your child to give out. But what if this year you decided to spread the love of Jesus? What if you used Christian Valentine cards instead of the ones you buy at the store?

I was inspired to create these printable Christian Valentine cards by one of the kids in my children’s ministry at church. Last year he told me that he wanted to share Jesus with his classmates at his Valentine’s party at school. So, he and his mom created their own Christian Valentine cards that shared the love of Jesus. They included Scripture along with candy, too! I thought that was so amazing that an 8-year old boy wanted to be a light of Christ to those in his class at school. He didn’t want to just give any Valentine…he wanted to give a Valentine that could have a lasting impact on a child. I was truly moved by what he did.

Because of him, I have designed and created these free Christian Valentine cards for you to use! I have two themes: hearts and pizza. Included in this downloadable PDF are 9 different cards. To download them, just click the files below. I have more cards in my Family Bible Resource Library. Just subscribe to my blog and I will send you the password to access all the FREE printables!

For printing…first, make sure you print them on white cardstock. This type of paper holds up great! Once you print, cut apart and fill in the “to” and “from” fields. Then attach candy!

These cards aren’t just meant for class parties at school! Your children can send these to family members or friends who don’t live near them. They can print, fill in the names, attach candy, and even write them a special note on the back letting them know they love them, too!

Valentine’s Day is a day we have declared as a day of love. And there is no love greater than the love of Jesus Christ. He loves us unconditionally. There are probably kids in your child’s class who may never have heard of Jesus or His love for them. By using these Christian Valentine cards, your child will be helping other children know Jesus loves them and also share with them that we are to love one another.

For other Valentine Ideas see the post below:

This I Know

Christian Valentine Basket Ideas for Kids

Cereal-sly Scripture

Scripture Pizza

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