Easter Love Letters from God (A Book Review)

by Vanessa Myers
Easter Love Letters from God

If you have been following my blog for a while, you will know that I am a big fan of the Love Letters from God books written by Glenys Nellist.  Her latest book in this series is out now…Easter Love Letters from God.  This book will touch your heart as much as her other books.

When I do a review of her books, I usually read it to the kids at my church, or to my own children, and I post their reactions and things they loved about it.  But this time, I did not do that.  Instead I want to share with you an experience from an adult when she read this book.

Last month, the preschool at our church had a Scholastic Book Fair.  I always enjoy looking at the books (even though my children have outgrown those books).  When I went downstairs on the first day of their book fair, I was so excited to see Glenys’ Easter Love Letters from God book on one of the tables!  I quickly shared with the preschool director and teachers that Glenys was my blogging & writer friend.  And I told them they had to buy this book because it was excellent!  At the end of the week I was glad to see that all of her books at their book fair had been sold!

Last week at our church staff meeting, our preschool director was in charge of doing the devotion.  I was thrilled when she pulled out the Easter Love Letters from God book and began reading it to us. It was a different experience for me to be the one listening to the book instead of the one reading it…and I loved it!

This book journeys through Holy Week:  Palm Sunday, The Last Supper (foot washing and meal), Garden of Gethsemane, Crucifixion, Jesus’ burial, and the Resurrection.  Glenys re-tells the story with beautiful words of all that happened to Jesus that week. Each story ends with a love letter from God.  At the end there is a blank letter for each person to write their own letter to God.

One of my favorite passages from this book says:

“The big stone had been moved.  The cave was empty.  The sun was shining.  Jesus, King of the whole world, was alive again!  The trees clapped their hands.  The flowers danced for joy.  The birds flew high over the fields and carried the news–the most wonderful news that the world has ever heard–Jesus is alive!”  (Nellist, ZonderKidz, p. 30)

As our preschool director was reading, she inserted each staff members names into one of the letters.  I loved hearing my name read in the love letter from God.  I could hear the joy in her voice with each turn of the page as she read the book.  But when she reached the crucifixion story, her voice began to crack and tears began to flow down her face.  She was crying as she read about the death of Jesus.  As I listened to her read and watched her weep, I began to realize, how could one not get emotional when they think of what Jesus did for us?   I am forever grateful for His sacrifice because that means I can live forever with Him one day.

This book will not only help children learn about Jesus’ journey during Holy Week, but it will also help adults remember Jesus and the sacrifice He made for each one of us.  It is truly a beautifully written book about the life and death of Jesus Christ.

Blessings to you this Easter season!

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Vanessa Myers March 5, 2018 - 9:09 am

Congratulations to Vicki Morrow! You are the winner of the copy of Easter Love Letters from God!! I will email you with the details. Thank you all for entering the giveaway!

Jenn P March 4, 2018 - 3:11 pm

I love when the tomb was discovered empty! Thank you Jesus!

Julie R March 4, 2018 - 12:39 am

My favorite is the resurrection! I would love to read this to my preschooler!

Stacey Kay March 2, 2018 - 1:58 pm

I had to think about this question for a minute, but I would say Jesus praying at the Mount of Olives just before he is arrested. There is so much to take in and learn there…Jesus’ incredible prayer in the face of what was to come and his patience and frustration with the disciples who couldn’t stay awake and pray with and for Him.

tphillips March 2, 2018 - 12:43 pm

My favorite part of Holy Week is Jesus riding in on a donkey and they’re shouting Hosanna!

It is just a humble reminder to not miss the King of kings, or to have my own idea of what a King looks like.

Jill Winter March 2, 2018 - 11:41 am

I love the Last Supper – how the Passover is transformed. How astounding that is!

Carol Ashcroft March 1, 2018 - 10:39 am

Vanessa…I love how your preschool director made Easter Love Letters personal by inserting the names of the staff! That gives it a totally different meaning when you hear your own name! I am so happy to add this book to my Glenys Nellist collection. She has such a way with words that touch the hearts of children and adults. And the artwork–the “frosting on the cake” as they say! Beautiful! Sophie Allsopp so incredibly talented…

Merry February 28, 2018 - 2:33 pm

I love when the women go to the tomb and the angel tells them that He is not here, He is risen!

Vicky Morrow February 27, 2018 - 3:01 pm

I agree that the story of Mary reconizing Jesus when he speaks her name is a powerful and beautiful reminder that God is here even when we don’t reconize him.

Glenys Nellist March 5, 2018 - 11:50 am

Congratulations Vicky! I’m so excited that you won the book! I hope you love it!

Michelle Basner-Ketepa February 27, 2018 - 2:30 pm

I love th story of footwashing—partly because of the model it sets for serving, and partly because Peter is pretty clueless about what Jesus means. It makes me feel better about not always understanding if even Peter didn’t get it at first.

Ann De Rooy February 26, 2018 - 5:24 pm

My favorite story from Holy week is when Mary doesn’t recognize the resurrected Lord until he said her name. The fact that he knows my name blows me away every time.

Glenys Nellist February 26, 2018 - 12:04 pm

Oh, Vanessa, what a lovely post! Thank you for sharing that moving story with me.


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