It’s time for school to begin! And there is no better way to get your child ready to start the school year than with prayer and reading God’s Word. You may be searching for a back-to-school devotion that you can use to help your family begin the school year…and Back-to-School Eve is a fun resource to use!
Think about what the night before school is like in your house. It may be filled with a little bit of everything…dread, fear, excitement or joy. No matter which emotions your kids are displaying, it’s so helpful for parents to steer their child’s focus on one thing…Jesus.

What is included in the Back-to-School Eve Kit?
Family Devotion
Grab your Bible and this back-to-school devotion that focuses on King Solomon! First, read together the Bible verses from 1 Kings. Kids will learn about Solomon’s wisdom and what he taught to others. They will learn about how to gain wisdom and then share that wisdom with others. Close your family’s devotion with prayer.
My School Year Faith Bucket List
In this activity, kids will use the printable to create a list of things they want to do this school year related to their faith in God. The prompts on each clipboard will give them ideas of things to write down: Bible verses to memorize, people to share Jesus with, ways to serve God, things to pray for. Kids can then hang this in their room and be reminded to do these things throughout the school year.

A Prayer for My Teacher
Kids will use the printable to write out a prayer for their teacher. Then they will give this printable to their teacher on the first day of school!

My School Year Bible Verse
In this activity, kids will search their Bible (and also ask for parents help) to find a Bible verse they want to pray over their school year. They can memorize this verse over the year and pray it often!

My Backpack Cross
Families (or children’s ministry leaders) can purchase a cross from Oriental Trading or Amazon. They can clutch their cross and pray together before going to bed. Then they can slip the cross into their backpack and be reminded that Jesus is near every time they see it in their backpack.
How should I distribute this to church families?
To distribute this kit to families, print off the whole devotion kit (make sure to print off one of each of the printables per child in each family). There are not any supplies needed for this kit (except for the printables), but you can definitely include a few school supplies and goodies for the kids! You could include items like pencils, box of crayons, gluesticks, and other items your school system requires for elementary or preschool children. Another item to include would be these Back-to-School Lunchbox Scripture Notes. Print these off and parents can tuck them into their child’s lunchbox each day for the month of August!
Download a copy of Back-to-School Eve for your church families (or your own family)!
The start of school is always a little scary for kids, but using this back-to-school devotion on the night before school begins will help ease your child’s mind and bring the peace knowing that God is with them. Hope your children have a peace-filled school year!
For more Back-to-School ideas, check out these resources:
Back-to-School Lunchbox Scripture Notes