Back-to-School Blessing Kit

by Vanessa Myers

What does your church do to celebrate kids going back-to-school? Do you do a special back-to-school blessing, give them a back-to-school kit, give them a special tag to clip to their backpacks, host a fun party to celebrate? Or maybe you’re at a loss of what to do and are looking for an idea!

Our church has done a Blessing of the Backpacks in the past, but this year we decided to not only do a special blessing in our worship service for the children, but to give them a back-to-school kit as well, which we call a Back-to-School Blessing Kit.

What is a Back-to-School Blessing Kit?

This is a special bag that is filled with items to use at school and items to use at home that help grow their faith in God. I checked the school supplies list for elementary students in our school system and picked out several items from that list to include. I also wanted to include some special items that kids could use to help them grow closer to the Lord.

Our Back-to-School Blessing Kit included these 7 items for elementary students:

Jumbo Gluestick

Remember to stick close to Jesus this year through prayer and reading your Bible.

I ordered these gluesticks in bulk from Amazon.

24-pack Crayons

Color your school year bright by letting the light of Christ shine through you.

I ordered these crayons in bulk from Amazon.

6 pencils

Write HIStory in your life this school year by doing what what Jesus would do and making wise choices.

I ordered these pencils in bulk from Amazon.

back to school blessing kit details
Save this image, print out, and include in the kits for your elementary kids.

Mini Notebook

Use this notebook as a Gratitude Journal. For each day of school, write down things you are grateful for.

I bought these mini notebooks from Walmart.

Personalized Bookmark

Use the bookmark to mark your favorite Bible story or favorite verse.

I used Canva to design a bookmark for boys and girls. You can personalize these for the kids in your ministry. All you need is a Canva account (it’s free to open an account).

Back-to-School Lunchbox Scripture Notes

Parents can place these Lunchbox Scripture Notes inside their child’s lunchbox to remind them that Jesus is with them at school! And it’s a great way for kids to learn Bible verses!

Back-to-School Prayer Journal

Use this Back-to-School Prayer Journal to write out your prayers to God.

Check out this resource on Deeper KidMin.

Favorite Candy

Enjoy this sweet treat and remember that Jesus makes your life sweet!

I sent a group text to all the parents and asked for their child’s favorite candy. Then I went to Walmart and bought each child a piece of candy I knew they would enjoy!

I placed all these items inside a brown Kraft paper bag that I bought from Walmart. I printed out the logo for this kit and glued it to the front of the bag (this image is the featured image for this post).

For our preschool children we included the same items, but instead of the Back-to-School Prayer Journal we included these Bible ABC Coloring pages. And we changed the wording on some of the items.

Save this image to use with your Preschool Kits!

I handed these out to the children on the Sunday before school started. For those who were unable to attend church, I delivered them to their home.

Our back-to-school blessing was a special one this year because we not only prayed over the kids, but also gave them a little gift from our church. I pray this small gift will help the children at our church to know how much they are loved, not only by the church, but most importantly, by Jesus Christ.

For more Back-to-School ideas to use in your church, check out these ideas:

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Anjeanette August 6, 2021 - 7:23 pm

Hello! I love this idea and am using it – I just noticed that the preschool version is identical to the elementary version. Do you have a preschool version I could get? Thanks so much!

Vanessa Myers August 6, 2021 - 10:35 pm

Oh my goodness! Thank you for letting me know it was the same one! I replaced the image so now the Preschool image is correct. Thanks again!

Anjeanette August 7, 2021 - 6:35 pm

Thank you soooo much!!!!


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