Mother’s Day is coming up soon! I always love to celebrate the moms (or grandmothers, aunts, cousins, or someone who is like a mom) with my church kids. Usually this involves crafts or cards the kids make, but sometimes I like to do a little more. In this post, I share with you 5 Mother’s Day ideas for church. These are fun ways to celebrate all moms (or all women) in your church family.

Photo Booth
I LOVE photo booths! One year we created this cute photo booth for all mothers to come snap a photo with their kids. To create this photo booth you will need plastic tablecloths, string, stapler, chalkboard pennants, and pushpins. Find a space in your church where you can hang this backdrop. Cut off a long piece of string. Fold over a small piece of each tablecloth and staple over the string. Bunch up the tablecloths as you go. Tie ends of string to pushpins. Then use the pushpins to attach to the wall (I don’t put them into the wall, but use them at the very top in the edges so you can’t see the small hole the pushpin will make). Once we had it up, we added the chalkboard pennants to the top (which spelled out Happy Mother’s Day). Now it’s ready for some fun photos of moms!

Chalkboard Prop
This photo prop is easy to make and can be used with any photo booth or just a plain backdrop. This prop is actually a bulletin board. I spray-painted the bulletin board with chalk paint. Then I found duct tape I loved and covered the frame of the bulletin board. After it dried, I had a friend (who has beautiful handwriting…because mine is terrible) write “I Love My Mom”. I then took pictures of each of our church kids and texted the picture to their mom. You could also do this ahead of Mother’s Day, get them printed, and give them to the moms on Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day Gift Bag
Give your mothers a gift bag filled with items that begin with the letter M! Fill each bag with things like: box of M&Ms (use this free printable), pack of marigold seeds, package of mini-muffins (use this free printable), can of Mello-Yello, pack of Mentos, a pack of mints, and a moon pie. I also included a Mother’s Day Quarantine Bingo (see file below) and a Mother’s Day craft for the kids to do for their mom.

The Bible Mom Awards Event
Host a Bible Mom Awards ceremony at your church! Invite all the moms to join you with their children on Sunday morning. You can use this resource to highlight 4 Bible moms (this is a monthly family faith kit which you can distribute to your families for them to read for the entire month of May). This resource also includes ideas of how to turn this into a fun event for your church moms!
Mother’s Day Award Certificates
These certificates are part of the Bible Mom Awards resource. You can print out these FREE certificates and have kids give their mom one of these awards based on one of the Bible moms in the resource (Jochebed = Protector Award, Naomi = Faith Sharing Award, Hannah = Promise Keeper Award, Mary = Favored by God Award). To download certificates, see file below.

Sometimes Mother’s Day is a hard one to celebrate in the church. Not because we don’t love our mothers, but because there are kids out there without a mom and that makes us sad. Your church families may have kids who are being raised by grandparents, by foster parents, by aunts or cousins, or maybe even just by their dad (as their mom has passed away). Be sensitive to this and remind kids that they can honor someone in their life who is like a mother to them (maybe that’s someone in your church, a neighbor, or a friend’s parent).
Have fun celebrating moms in your church! Maybe one of these Mother’s Day ideas for church has sparked an idea for something you can use in your ministry!
Check out these Father’s Day ideas for your church:
9 Father’s Day Ideas for Church