Let’s party!!
I love parties and celebrating birthdays and accomplishments. I love making a big deal out of birthdays and making people feel special. I love socializing with friends and celebrating things!
So why not have a party to celebrate the birthday of the Church?
The Pentecost Party Pack is a resource for families that helps them learn more about the day of Pentecost. This resource includes a party invitation, decoration ideas, family devotion, birthday cake recipe, 2 crafts, 2 games, and a Scripture party favor.
This resource can be used with families to celebrate at home or can be used in the children’s ministry setting at church. If you are a Children’s Ministry leader, you can use this with the families at your church! You can distribute this in a couple of ways. You could download and email the packet to your church families. You could download, print off the packet, and deliver it to the families in you church. Or you can make this into a kit and include the printables, craft and game supplies needed, and any party decorations you want to supply for them. No matter which way you choose, they will have fun having a Pentecost Party!
To grab a copy of this resource, check out the Shop page. Your family will have fun celebrating the Church with this Pentecost Party Pack!