Want a fun Easter event for kids in your church or community?
Then you need to go egging!
No, I’m not talking about egging someone’s house with real eggs! I’m talking about egging their house with Easter eggs!
I got this idea from a friend in children’s ministry at another church and wanted to try it on the families at my church. Well…it was a hit!
Here’s what you will need for each house you egg:
- 25 Easter eggs (24 stuffed with candy or other prizes, 1 empty egg that has “He is Risen!” written on the inside of the egg)
- 1 yard sign w/stand (see picture below)
- 1 cardstock sign with instructions (to customize this sign for your church click here)
- Tape

How did I do this event?
I made this event a week-long event. I wanted to keep an element of surprise in the event so the kids wouldn’t know exactly which day I would be egging their house. Plus, we had 75 families to egg so we couldn’t do it all in one day!
My children’s ministry assistant and I egged anywhere from 15-22 homes a day. Our high school youth helped us out one night and did a lot of houses, too. They enjoyed it as well!
We drove to each family’s house and hid the 25 eggs in their front yard. We put the yard sign out by their mailbox. We asked them to leave the yard sign up through Easter as it was a way of inviting their neighbors to Easter morning services at our church. We taped the instructions sign to their front door or garage door so they would see it. And then we left for the next house!
The best time to egg their house is when they are at school. I heard from parents that the kids looked forward to coming home each day to see if their house got egged! We got some videos of the kids reactions when they arrived home. It was priceless!
How do I share pictures with our church?
We also utilized our Children’s Ministry Facebook page for this event. We did several Facebook Live videos throughout the week. I created a video telling the kids what we planned to do that week. Then I made another video for the parents about what to expect and how they would know their house had been egged. Then we also did a couple of Facebook Live videos while we were out egging. The videos were a lot of fun to do!
I also asked parents to share photos on our Children’s Ministry Facebook page. So many of our parents uploaded pictures of their kids with the yard sign or when they were out hunting for eggs in their yard. It was so cool to see their reactions and watch them have fun with this event!
How can God work through this event?
One thing I was not expecting to see throughout this event (and I’m not sure why because God is awesome) was the way that God was on the move. God was working in the lives of our families through this “egging” event. I had parents tell me how much they appreciated what we did. I had parents tell me what joy it brought to their kids. I had parents tell me that our church coming to egg their house made their child feel special and loved. And I also had one parent share with me that this event was an answer to prayer for herself. It reminded her that the church loved her and that God loved her. Wow! God is so awesome and so good!
God worked through my own life as well. I had so much fun going around egging each family’s home. I loved getting outside the walls of the church and connecting with the kids in a different way. I found such joy in the pictures and videos that were sent to me. I was praising God for the joy He gave to me through this event.
I highly recommend doing this event with the families in your church. It’s an Easter event for kids that everyone will remember!
Just be prepared for God to work in ways that you would never expect! God works even through Easter eggs!
For another fun Easter event for kids and families, check out these:
Resurrection Rock & Roll To-Go
Vanessa, I absolutely love this!! 💗 Did you have the yard signs made locally or did you purchase them online?
Thanks Elizabeth! I had a friend design them and then had them printed through Vistaprint. It was cheaper for me than doing it locally.