The season of Lent is upon us! Lent is a season in the church that takes place 40 days before Easter. It’s a time for Christians to reflect on their faith journey, to seek repentance, to fast, and to prepare for Easter and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Lent is a time that the whole family can participate in. It’s a great time to help teach your children about forgiveness and sacrifice. So you may be asking what you can do together as a family during this time. If so, here are 9 Lent activities for families that you can do together at home.

The day before Lent begins is called Shrove Tuesday. It’s a day to help Christians seek forgiveness of their sins and get ready to fast for the season of Lent. It’s customary for Christians to eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, too! Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party is a resource for families that will help them learn more about Shrove Tuesday and what God says about forgiveness. They will learn why Christians eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and will do some fun activities with pancakes. And they will get to make and eat their own pancakes for supper!

Think Lent Calendar but done with Easter eggs! The 40-Day Countdown to Easter helps families and kids focus on Jesus by doing fun activities together each day. This resource is FREE to download, too!

Letters from Jerusalem is a 6-week Lent devotional for kids and families. This resource for families focuses on 6 stories from the last week of Jesus’ life on earth. The devotions for this resource are written from the perspective of one of the disciples who is writing a letter back home to their family telling them about what is happening in Jerusalem that week. It includes 6 weeks of the following: Color of the Week, Family Devotion, Bible Memory Verse, Bible Story Art, Family Craft, Family Activity, Family Letters, and Family Snack (1 of each of these per week).

This resource helps families remember Jesus during the 40 days of Lent. They will use a blank calendar to write in things they know about Jesus which will help them keep their focus on Him during the season of Lent.

If you’re creating take-home Lent kits for your church families, check out this post which will give you nine ideas of things to include.

Check out this post for 20 ideas of things you can give up for Lent or things you can add to your day. These are some ideas that would be good for both children and adults!

This is a fun event you can do with for your church families or with your own family! You will “egg” homes with candy-filled Easter eggs. Leave them the note (found in the linked post) to let them know that they’ve been egged by you and remind them that Christ is risen! You can also use this activity as a service project for your families and they can spread the love of Christ by “egging” homes of friends and family!

Resurrection Rock & Roll is an Easter event that brings fun to families as they celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ! It helps families hear the Resurrection story and will help remind families to look for Jesus every day. Included in this resource are decoration ideas, family devotion based on John 20:1-18, Bible memory verse, 3 games, 3 crafts, and 3 snacks. One of the games is I Spy Easter and includes an I Spy Easter printable to help them find different items of the Easter story!

For Holy Week, grab these 8 devotions and activities that will help your family walk through the last week of Jesus’ life here on earth. You’ll find devotions about Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, Jesus Washes Disciples Feet, The Garden of Gethsemane, Peter Denies Jesus, the Crucifixion, Somber Saturday, and the Resurrection.
There are so many fun ways to celebrate the season of Lent! I hope you have found these 9 Lent activities for families helpful and have found something you can do with your own family or your church families to focus on Jesus during the season of Lent!
Want an article that shares my view and take on the Easter bunny and Jesus? Click the post below: