As Children’s Ministry Leaders we love VBS! It’s one of the highlights of our ministry each year. But have you ever stopped to think about the reasons why you do VBS? Why do you work so hard every year to make sure VBS is successful?
One year our Associate Pastor asked our church staff to think about why we do the programs we do. She wanted us to truly think and pray about the why. And our reasons could not include “Because we have always done it” or “Because it’s my job and I have to do it.” So that began me thinking and praying about why I do VBS. And here is why I do VBS every year…
1. To share the love of Jesus with children and teach them about Him
VBS is our church’s largest outreach ministry to children. By doing VBS we can teach many children about Jesus and His love and sacrifice for them. VBS presents us with an opportunity to share Jesus and I would never want to give that up. We are called to proclaim His name to others and VBS is a great way to do that to children.
2. To give children time to worship God
I think one of the highlights of VBS is watching and listening to the kids sing praises to God. On the first day you find kids being shy and not singing much. But as the week progresses you find kids opening up more and singing louder and even wanting to run up front to sing on the stage. It brings tears to my eyes to listen to their sweet voices sing praises to our Lord.
3. To watch how God works not only in the lives of the kids, but also in the lives of the volunteers
I can’t tell you how many times a volunteer comes up to me and says that God was speaking to them through VBS. The messages and Bible lessons are directed to the kids, but I have seen first hand how God uses those messages for the adult and teen volunteers too. It’s amazing to sit back and watch God work in the lives of our volunteers. God is so good!
4. To give an opportunity for our youth to learn how to become spiritual leaders
I firmly believe in using teenagers as leaders at VBS. By doing this we are training them to be witnesses for Jesus. We are training them to share the love of Jesus with others. We are helping develop responsibility in them. We are giving them opportunities to be the light of Christ to a child. Youth volunteers are incredible and I have been so blessed to watch our teens develop into spiritual leaders.
5. To Glorify God
Everything that happens at VBS is all because of God. It has nothing to do with me. I am God’s vessel and I let Him use me to plan events like VBS. I thoroughly enjoy planning and leading VBS and am grateful that He has given me the gifts to lead. But I am here to say that everything that happens at VBS is because of Him. May God’s name be glorified through every aspect of Vacation Bible School.
If you lead VBS at your church, I pray that you seek God for the answers to why you do it. Take time to be still, pray and ask God to lead you. I believe that when you can define the reasons why you do VBS, then you will have a strong passion to share Jesus with others. Go out and allow God to use you for His glory!
What would you add to this list as the reasons why you do VBS?