Do your children love countdowns? Maybe you have countdowns to vacations, first day of school, Christmas, and birthdays. But have you ever done a countdown to Easter? You may not even think of doing something like this, but it’s a great way to help prepare the hearts of your children for the death and resurrection of Jesus.
This 40-Day Countdown to Easter is just one of the Lent activities for families that you may find. But it’s sure to be not only fun, but helpful to your children in thinking about what Jesus did for us.

How does this Countdown work?
First, on the outside of 40 plastic eggs, number them 1-40. Next, print off the pages of activities for each day. Cut apart each day and stuff into the corresponding number Easter egg. Place all the Easter eggs in a basket. On each day, open an Easter egg and do the activity listed.

When do I begin this Countdown?
This countdown begins 40 days before Easter (which are the 40 days of Lent). Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and goes through Holy Saturday (the Saturday before Easter). It’s important to note that the 40 days of Lent do NOT include Sundays. So, you will begin this countdown on Ash Wednesday and do it every day except for Sundays.
To download this Lent activity for your family, click the file below:
This countdown is just one of some fun Lent activities for families that will help them focus on Jesus, serving others, and being a light in this world for Him.
For more Lent activities for your family, see the posts below: