Fall is in the air! Cooler weather, leaves changing, campfires, and that crisp smell of fall. Your family is probably ready to get out and enjoy the outdoors. And you may be ready for some fun fall crafts for kids!
If you’re searching for some fall activities for kids, then I invite you to check out the list below. This list puts a little twist on your normal fall activities and adds in faith and spending time in God’s Word together as a family. Look for the FAITH TWIST idea in each activity.
In this list you’ll find fall activities for preschoolers, fall activities for elementary students, and fall activities for families. This list gives you some fun, hands-on activities for your kids for the fall!

Fall Activities for Preschoolers
Fall Scavenger Hunt
The Printables Fairy website has this FREE printable for a Fall Scavenger Hunt. At the bottom of the post she lists questions you can ask your kids after you find an item. FAITH TWIST…ask them questions about God: “Who made each of these items? Why do you think God created the leaves to be different colors? How can we help take care of God’s creation?”
Candy Corn Alphabet Mats
123 Homeschool 4 Me has these alphabet mats that will help preschoolers learn their letters. Kids will use candy corn to outline the letters. FAITH TWIST…read a Bible story with a character or place that begins with each letter.
Fall Do-a-Dot Printables
The Artisan Life website has these fall printables that use the dot markers. Print off the worksheets and let your children decorate these fall pictures. FAITH TWIST…After your child decorates a page, write in a Bible verse or Jesus Loves You.
Pumpkin Play-Doh
Natural Beach Living gives an easy pumpkin play-doh recipe! Your kids will have fun making this and playing with this! FAITH TWIST… have kids create shapes that remind them of Jesus.
Caramel Apple Paper Plates
These cute apples look good enough to eat! Glued to My Crafts website shows you step-by-step how to turn a paper plate into a caramel apple. FAITH TWIST – Write a prayer asking God to remind you of His love for you.
Fall Tree Painting with Cotton Balls
The Projects with Kids website shows you how to make these cool fall trees using cotton balls and paint! FAITH TWIST – Write Ecclesiastes 3:1 on this tree and remember there is a time for everything.
Thanksgiving Bible Activity Pack
This Thanksgiving Bible Activity Pack is loaded with printables that help remind your preschooler to have a grateful heart! These printables already incorporate faith and the Bible, too!
Fall Activities for Elementary Students
Erupting Apple Volcano
This is a fun science experiment found on the Little Bins for Little Hands website. Fill the center of an apple with the mixture and watch it erupt! FAITH TWIST…relate this experiment to the words we say to others. Read Psalm 95:7 and talk about how we need to be careful of the words we speak to others. We need to be uplifting and not let words erupt and spew from our mouth and be hurtful to others.
Pumpkin Spice Clean Mud
Your kids will LOVE getting their hands dirty for this activity found on the Frogs Snails and Puppy Dog Tails website! This would probably be a better activity to do outside so that it doesn’t get all in your house! FAITH TWIST…Use the mud as a visual for the story of Jesus healing the blind man found in John 9:1-12. Read the story and add the clean mud to the eyes on a large face on butcher or construction paper.
Apple Homemade Bird Feeders
Feed the birds in your yard with these cute apple bird feeders! FAITH TWIST…pray and thank God for the birds. Thank God for feeding them and feeding us.
Pumpkin Painting
Grab paint and a paintbrush and paint a design on a pumpkin! FAITH TWIST…paint a Bible character or story, paint a cross, or paint another symbol used in the Bible.
Halloween Bible Bingo
Halloween Bible Bingo combines the fun of Bingo and learning Scripture! Kids will enjoy playing the game and getting to read from the Bible. As you call a card, take time to have kids look up the Bible verse, read it together, and discuss. This set includes 20 cards plus a set of calling cards.
Bible Verse Pumpkin
Pick out several Bible verses and decorate your pumpkin with them! This pumpkin won’t have any designs (like the pumpkin painting activity)…just words from the Bible. Place this in your home. Then on Halloween night, set it out on your front porch so all the trick-or-treaters can read God’s Word when they stop at your house for candy!
Turkey Bags
The Planting Vineyards website has this cute Turkey Bag activity. She decided to add in an activity that builds each other up. FAITH TWIST….read Scripture about giving thanks when making each bag.
Fall Activities for Families
Fall-O-Ween Jesus
Focus your family on following Jesus on Halloween night! This resource helps kids to learn how to follow Jesus, as well as things they can do to continue to follow Jesus. This is a great addition to your Halloween celebration!
Fall Family Faith Kit
This is a 4-week family resource that provides fall activities for kids and families. The September Edition of Fall Family Faith Kit focuses on Ecclesiastes 3. This kit includes 4 weeks of the following: Fall Family Devotion, Fall Family Game, Fall Family Craft, Fall Family Snack (one of each of these per week). It also includes a Fall Family Bucket List.

The Pumpkin Gospel
I love this object lesson found on the Being Confident of This website! You’ll need a good size pumpkin that you can clean out. Kids will enjoy cleaning the guts out of it and learning about God’s love for them.
Fall Christian Books for Kids
Grab a copy of these fall Christian books for kids! Here are some great books to read together as a family: The Pumpkin Patch Parable, The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks, A Pumpkin Prayer, God Gave Us Thankful Hearts, Snuggle Time Fall Blessings, P is for Pumpkin: God’s Harvest Alphabet, Being Thankful.
Outdoor Bible Verse Scavenger Hunt
This scavenger hunt created by Rachel Wojo takes families outdoors and into the Word. You’ll need a Bible to look up the clues!
Treat Street To-Go
If your church is unable to have a fall event for Halloween, take it to-go! Treat Street To-Go is a family resource that provides activities for a fun Halloween (and faith-focused) event for them to do at home. Included in this resource are decorating ideas, music playlist, family devotion, Bible memory verse, 3 games, 3 crafts, and 3 snack ideas
Are you ready now to try out some of these fall activities for kids? I know your children and your family will enjoy these fall crafts and adventures!