Do you know what words most kids don’t like to hear? It’s time for back-to-school! A sense of dread may wash over them because they don’t want to sit in a classroom again! But, what if we could turn this into a time of excitement? What if we could help it be a time of peace? These back-to-school ideas for parents and kids are ways that you can incorporate Jesus into this annual event in the life of your child (or the kids at your church). Helping children focus on Jesus as they go back to school, I believe, will definitely help turn a sense of dread into a sense of peace from the Lord.
Here are some fun back-to-school ideas for kids and parents to do together!

1. Create a Faith Time Capsule

Time capsules are packed with memories of things happening at that moment in time. And families can fill their own time capsule with things related to their family’s faith in God! This Back-to-School Faith Time Capsule includes a devotion for families to do on the evening of the first day of school, a questionnaire about a child’s faith, a prayer for their school printable, a worry wall printable (where they can write down their worries to God about school and you can pray over them), and a prayer for your children printable that parents can use. Families can also pack photos or first day of school drawings in their time capsule, too! (Time Capsule Tip…I used an empty Pringles can for our church families time capsule).
2. Play Bible Bingo
This Bingo game includes Scripture verses that will help kids learn the Word of God. These verses are some that kids will find helpful as they begin a new school year. You can have prizes for winners, too!
3. Pack Lunchbox Scripture Notes
Why not remind kids of God’s Word while they are at school? You can easily create your own Scripture notes to pack in their lunchbox using post-its or index cards. Or if you would like printable ones, you can use these Back-to-School Scripture Lunchbox Notes.
4. Write a Letter to Jesus
Use this time at the beginning of school to have kids write a letter to Jesus. This could be a great way for them to give all their worries and concerns over to Jesus. They can share with Jesus any fears they have about going back to school or any burdens on their hearts. When they are done, they can fold the letter up and put into their Bible.
5. Make a Special Back-to-School Meal
A family’s schedule can get very busy and sometimes family dinner times do not happen. Set aside a special family meal the night before school begins. Make your child’s favorite meal. Families can enjoy sharing dinner around the table together.

6. Prayers for Teachers and Schools
The beginning of school not only brings about some anxieties for kids, but for teachers and administrators too! Have kids write a prayer for their teacher and their school. Then they can deliver it to them on the first day of school!
7. Sidewalk Chalk Messages
After kids go to bed the night before school begins, parents can go outside to their driveway or street and write their kids an encouraging message using sidewalk chalk! Parents can share a Bible verse or other words of encouragement to remind them that they are praying for them.

8. Start a Morning Devotion Time
I hear what parents are saying, “Vanessa, we don’t have time to do a devotion in the morning!” Yes, you’re probably right, but devotions don’t have to be long! They can be simple and short. Try doing a short devotion while the kids eat breakfast or as they brush their teeth. Doing this every morning gets a child’s mind focused on Jesus! Need some short, simple, and fun devotions for kids? Check out my two devotionals: Breakfast with Jesus and The Bible Food Truck!
9. Morning Car Prayers
One of the best times to pray with my kids when they were little was in the car on the way to school! I had their attention and we focused on praying for others. It was the best time for us to pray together as a family! Turn off the radio, ask for prayer requests, and pray together before they get out of the car and head into school.
10. Backpack Cross
Carrying a cross in their backpack can bring so much peace to children! My favorite are these olive wood crosses. Slip the cross in their backpack and remind them that Jesus is always with them.
11. Jesus Jam in the Car
My kids always loved to sing when they were little! Use the car commute to sing praise songs and jam out with Jesus! You can create your own Spotify playlist filled with fun worship songs your kids love!
12. First Day of School Photo

I wish I had pictures of my first day of school, but that wasn’t a thing back in my day! Make sure to capture your child’s first day of school photo using a simple sign with the year and their grade! Here are some simple signs for you to use! Another fun idea is to have them write out their favorite Bible verse (or one they want to learn this school year), and snap a picture of them with their Bible verse!
13. Find a Bible Reading Buddy
Reading out loud can be very helpful for kids. And reading the Bible out loud helps in understanding it (at least it does for me!). Help kids find a stuffed animal they can read to. Then find a place where they can sit with their Bible buddy and read the Bible together. Make it a daily habit!
14. Bake Scripture Cookies
When kids arrive home after the first day of school, what do they usually want? A snack! I found this article about baking Scripture cookies with your kids and thought this would be a fun way to end the first day of school! It gives a blank recipe (with Bible verses to look up) so that they can find the ingredients! Then once they complete the recipe, you can bake the Scripture cookies!
15. Write Encouraging Notes to Friends
Some kids love the first day of school and others do not! Help kids focus on others by having them write an encouraging note or drawing a picture for a friend and delivering it to them.
16. Create a Christian Bucket List

The beginning of the school year is a great time to help kids focus on their faith in Jesus. Decide what things they want to do this year when it comes to their walk with the Lord. Need some ideas of things to focus on? Check out these 20 Christian Bucket List Ideas for Families.
17. Learn the Lord’s Prayer
Use the school year to help teach children to pray the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer is the prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray, and one we can learn to help us as well. If you need some fun activities to aid in their learning the Lord’s Prayer, check out Scripture School! Kids will learn the Lord’s Prayer using various school subjects (like reading, writing/spelling, music, art, & math).
18. God Sightings After School Snack
When my girls were little, we used to pick a day every week to get a special snack after school. This was usually ice cream at one of the stores in town! This was a fun treat for them after school, and a great time for me to ask them where they saw God at school that day! So grab a special treat, and talk to kids about how they saw God at work at school!
19. Create a Bible Alphabet
This is a fun way to help kids learn the alphabet, as well as thinking about things in the Bible that begin with each letter. If you would like a printable to use for this, check out my Family Bible Resource Library for a FREE copy of The Bible Alphabet printable! If you aren’t a subscriber, just add in your name and email address in the subscription box below! Once you have confirmed your email address, check your email for another email from me that gives you the password for access to the Family Bible Resource Library. (If it doesn’t come to your inbox, check your spam folder).
20. Back-to-School Gratitude List
How much gratitude do kids show as they return to school? Kids may be dreading the day they have to go back and are filled with negative attitudes. Help kids focus on the goodness of the Lord as they return to school! Use this Back-to-School Gratitude List printable to turn the negatives about school into positives and to help them give thanks to the Lord for all things!

Ready to help kids have a great start to the school year? Use one of these back-to-school ideas for families to keep them focused on Jesus as they head back to school!
I love all these ideas. I want to use them with my children’s chapel kids!
I love all of these ideas! We will certainly be doing almost all of them! Thanks Vanessa!