When I was a child, one of the things I remember about our dinner time is reading the Scripture together. My mom had a box full of small cards. On each card was written a Bible verse. I loved coming to the dinner table, pulling out the box of cards and selecting one of them to read. It became a family tradition which I will forever treasure.
Reading the Bible is so important and reading it together as a family helps each member grow in their faith. But maybe you are unsure of where to begin. Or perhaps you struggle with even finding time to sit down for dinner together, much less finding the time to read the Word together. Believe me, I have been there. But Scripture reading doesn’t have to take place at the dinner table. It can be at a time or place where your family seems to gather the most. For my family at this stage of our lives, we seem to be in the car the most. So every day we read Scripture and pray together. It is a time I truly enjoy with my kids and one I pray they will remember just as I remember reading Bible verses with my family as a child.
I have created the 12-Month Family Scripture Challenge for families because I want to help you instill the love of reading the Word together into each member of your family. And I also wanted to help make it simple for you! For each month of the year, you will find a theme. Some examples of themes are: trust, hope, patience, and wisdom. Each month includes 30 Bible verses that are related to that theme. Most verses are kept to 1-2 verses which will help you discuss it easier with your family.
So, how does this challenge work?
First, to receive this challenge, subscribe to my blog. You can do that by filling out your name and email address in the blue box on the home page, or find the subscription box on the right side of the page (if you’re on a phone you will need to scroll down to the bottom to see it). Make sure to check your email to confirm your subscription to my blog. Once you confirm your subscription, you will receive a Welcome to My Blog email that contains a link to my Family Bible Study Resource Library. This page is password-protected so you will need the password in order to access it. This email will also contain the password needed. Enter the password and you will have access to this challenge (along with many other freebies!).
Once you download the challenge, print it off and keep it wherever you will be reading the Word together. You can do this together at breakfast, in the car, at dinner, or wherever you are together the most. There is no right or wrong place to be when reading the Bible together as a family. So find the time and place that is most convenient for you.
I pray this challenge will be a blessing to you and your family. And I pray it will create a love of diving into God’s Word for each member of your family. Come join the challenge!

Please send 12 month scripture verses
Please send 12 month scripture verses.
Thank you
Please send me the family challenge. It will be a blessing!
please send me the 12 month family scripture. Thank you.
Please send challenge
Hi Liz! The 12-Month Family Scripture Challenge is part of the Family Bible Resource Library here on my site for all subscribers to my blog. To gain access to them, just subscribe to my blog by entering your email addresss, confirming it via email, and then checking for another email from me (will probably go to spam) that contains the password to this site. This library has LOTS of FREE printables!
Can you please send me the 12 month family scripture? Thank you so much!