Thanksgiving is a great time to focus your family on gratefulness! Often times we lose focus of all that God has given us and blessed our families with. But by using these Thanksgiving activities for kids, we can spend the whole month of November helping our whole family remember to be grateful, thankful, and blessed!

Looking for some Thanksgiving family devotions? Gobble Up Gratitude is a 4-week family devotional for Thanksgiving that includes 4 devotions, 4 games, 4 crafts, and 4 Thanksgiving dessert recipes. These Thanksgiving activities for kids are hands-on, simple, and fun for families to do together!

Thanksgiving Menu for Kids
Download this Thanksgiving menu for kids that has them thinking about what they plan to eat on Thanksgiving Day! Kids can write in or draw their menu for Thanksgiving! Click on the picture to download and save to your computer.

Bible Verse Turkey Hunt
Looking for some fun Thanksgiving games for kids? The Bible Verse Turkey Hunt combines the fun of a game with learning a Bible memory verse! Kids will search around their house for turkeys containing phrases of a Bible verse! Once they find all of them they will put the Bible verse in order and discuss with their family! To get a copy of this activity, just subscribe to my blog! Fill in your name and email address in the subscription box on the home page. This activity is found in my Family Bible Study Resource Library which is open to all my subscribers!

The Gratitude Alphabet
In this Thanksgiving game for kids, they will see if they can complete this Gratitude Alphabet and name something they are grateful for that begins with every letter of the alphabet! Click on the picture to save it to your computer.

Thanksgiving Coloring Page
Download and print out this Thanksgiving coloring page for kids that will help them remember to give thanks to God!

Thanksgiving Scripture Place Cards
Set the table with this Thanksgiving craft for kids! With these Scripture place cards, kids can write in the name of each person attending your Thanksgiving meal. On the back of the card they can draw them a picture. Then they can place each one around your table. There are 4 designs to this set, each with a different Scripture verse related to giving thanks. To download this set, click the download button below. When you print out, make sure to print as the actual size and not the full page. Cut out and then let kids decorate!

Thanksgiving Scattergories
I love Scattergories and this looks like a fun twist to the game….everything is Thanksgiving-related! You can download your FREE printable on the U Create Crafts website. Have fun playing this Thanksgiving game!

This cute turkey would make a great table decoration! And it’s simple to make. You can even write in Bible verses that deal with being thankful. Check out the Resourceful Mama website for directions on how to make this Thanksgiving craft.

Such a cute Thanksgiving craft for kids! This headband will be fun for kids to wear to their Thanksgiving meal! Add scripture to it, too! Check out the iHeart Crafty Things website for directions on how to make this turkey headband!

Things I Am Grateful For Printable for Kids is a great tool for both kids and parents. Kids are able to write down the things they are grateful for and parents are able to snap a photo of them with this printable and save it so they can look back year after year and remember what their kids were grateful for. This printable is customizable, too! The pics below give you an idea of what it will look like!
Thanksgiving is a fun holiday…lots of food to eat and fun time with family. But it’s also the perfect time to re-center your family and help them to remember to give thanks to God for everything. These Thanksgiving activities for kids will help them do just that! Have fun and Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for sharing! I’m always looking for activities for my Grands at Thanksgiving! 🙂
Love this so much! Can’t wait to dig in to these activities w my kids over the holidays!