Looking for a fun (and tasty!) way to teach kids about the 10 Plagues of Egypt? Introducing the 10 Plagues Snack Mix! This creative snack is perfect for helping kids remember each plague—and they get to enjoy some yummy treats along the way. From white gumballs to gummy frogs, each snack represents one of the plagues that led to Israel’s freedom from Egypt. Let’s dig in and see how each sweet treat can make learning the story of Moses and Pharaoh unforgettable!

Supplies Needed
The types of candy you use in this activity is up to you! I am going to share with you the candy I used to represent each plague, but know that the candy I used may not be available in your area. I went looking for one type of candy to use and ended up coming up with another type of candy for some of the plagues because they were not available. Also, I went to 3 different stores to find all 10 types of candy: Walmart, Dollar Tree, and Walgreens. Between the three of them, I was able to get all the candy I needed. Here are the ones I used:
10 Plagues Candy
Blood – Red Dots candy (I bought 3 small boxes of Dots to make sure I got enough red ones)

Frogs – Haribo makes Gummy Frogs! However, I could not find these in a store but Amazon came to the rescue! Just make sure you order these in enough time to get them before you teach this lesson.
Gnats – Sno Caps candy (chocolate chip-type candy with white dots all over). This candy looks like tiny gnats all over!
Flies – Raisinets (chocolate-covered raisins) are perfect for the flies plague!
Livestock – Animal cracker
Boils – Haribo Berries (I found these when searching for another candy for boils and thought these were perfect! Gummy snack drops that look like berries with little dots on them. Looks like it could be boils on a person to me!)
Hail – White Gumball (I found a package of just white gumballs at Walmart in the baby/wedding shower aisle.)
Locusts – Green Mike & Ikes candy (I found a package of green watermelon-flavor candy in Dollar Tree)
Darkness – Black Licorice (I bought black Twizzlers and cut them into thirds for each child to get a small piece)
Firstborn – Sour Patch Kids (any flavor will work)
You’ll also need:
- Sandwich bags
- 10 Plagues Snack Mix card – This Canva template is editable so that you can change the types of candy based on what you can find in your area.

Setting Up the Snack Mix Display
I taught this lesson in a large group setting so I wanted to set up the candy in a way that all kids could see all 10 plagues candy displayed while teaching. This makes for a great visual display while teaching.
I used clear containers to display the candy in. I set up 10 clear containers and poured each type of candy in one. Then I used cardstock to write down what each candy represented, folded it like a table card, and put it in front of the candy.
I printed out the Snack Mix cards onto cardstock, and put them and the sandwich bags into clear containers too.
Our church has a lot of these clear containers in our kitchen pantry but you can use whatever you can find! Clear cups work great too! I suggest using something clear so it makes it easy for the kids to see.

Teaching Tips
- Make sure to read ALL of the story BEFORE teaching! This story spans several chapters so read all of Exodus 7-11.
- Make notes about each plague – points you want to make sure to teach about.
- Show video clips of a few plagues to show what it might look like. I showed clips from a bullfrog farm with lots of frogs everywhere, swarm of flies, swarm of locusts. This helps kids understand just how bad these plagues were.
- After you tell about each plague, pick a child to come taste the plague candy. I didn’t do this because I was short on time, but I thought it would be fun to do!
- Each time you begin telling about a plague, have kids repeat what Moses said “Let my people go!” And then at the end have them repeat Pharaoh’s answer, “No!”
- Sing Pharaoh, Pharaoh before or after telling the story!
How to Assemble the Snack Mix
After I taught the lesson, I had each child come up (we went by small groups) and they filled a sandwich bag with the snack mix card and 1 piece of each candy. I told them they couldn’t eat the candy yet! They had to go home and share the story with their parents first!

Extra Time Fillers
If you have extra time, you could have kids do the following:
- Mix the bowls and put them out of order. Have kids place the bowls in the correct order in which they happened.
- Take up the plague name cards displayed in front of each plague bowl. Have kids put the correct plague name in front of the matching candy it represents.
- Have kids make an extra bag and give to another person and tell them about God’s amazing power.
Extra Candy Leftover?
If you have extra candy leftover after each child has made a snack mix bag, you need to make a 10 Plagues Salad! I dumped all the remaining candy into 1 bowl, mixed it up, and went around to each small group at the end of class and let them take a scoop full of extra candy and put it into their bag.

As kids enjoy their 10 Plagues Snack Mix, they’ll be reminded of how God showed His power to set His people free. This 10 plagues lesson for kids isn’t just about tasty treats—it’s a fun way to help them remember each part of the story and understand that God’s love and purpose are stronger than anything. May it spark curiosity and conversations that keep them excited to learn more about our amazing God!
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