10 Gratitude Activities for Kids

by Vanessa Myers
gratitude activities for kids

What are some gratitude activities for kids?

That might be a question you are asking yourself as you teach your kids about showing gratitude or you’re teaching your children at church ways to show thankfulness. After having my own kids and also working with kids at church, I know that sometimes kids have a hard time finding things to be thankful for. It’s easy for them to say mom, dad, grandparents, pets, and friends…which are all great things to be thankful for! But there are so many more things to thank God for and these activities will go past the “normal answers” to help kids truly see the many, many blessings we are given by God. Try out these fun gratitude activities for families and kids to do together!

1. Grace & Gratitude Cards

This FREE resource includes 30 cards where one side is Gratitude and one side is Grace. Each card includes a Bible verse to read (families will need to get out their own Bible to look up the verse). Then it will ask them a “gratitude question”. This question asks them about a specific thing they are thankful for. These things include food, drinks, clothing, colors, Bible characters, etc. When the family has finished the gratitude side, they will then flip the card over and say Grace (a blessing). On the Grace side is a prayer that’s written out for them to say aloud. This prayer also includes a line for them to insert the things that they just said they are thankful for. To get these cards, just become an email subscriber by entering your email address in the subscription box at the bottom of this post! Once your email is confirmed, check for another email from me with your Resource Library Password (if it’s not in your inbox, check your spam folder).

2. Skittles Gratitude Game

This is a fun gratitude game for kids! Kids love candy and this simple activity combines eating Skittles and talking about something they are thankful for. Kids will pick a Skittle, find that color on the sheet, give thanks for the thing it says, and then eat the Skittle!

3. Gratitude Photo Scavenger Hunt

Sometimes it’s helpful to actually “see” things we are thankful for because it will remind us of the goodness of God! This fun gratitude game for kids has them going on a hunt for the things on their list. And, they have to get their picture taken with it! When kids are done, go back through each picture you have taken and talk about why they are thankful for that thing. And you will also have some great memories that you can always look back and see!

4. Gratitude Placemats

These gratitude placemats are fun to use at Thanksgiving or any time of the year! Kids can write and draw things they are thankful for, and color all they want!

5. Gratitude Journal

Grab a notebook (composition notebooks work great to use as a gratitude journal). Have kids write the date on a page, and then write 5 things they are thankful for. After they write them down, have them write a prayer giving thanks to God. They can also draw a picture for God, too, giving Him thanks for these things. Have them do this for 30 days and fill up their journals with thanks to God! Want a guided journal? Try the Christian Gratitude Journal for Kids.

6. Thank You Postcards

Remember when your parents made you send thank you cards for presents you got for your birthday or other occasions? This old school practice will help kids learn the importance of saying thank you to people! Print out these postcards on white cardstock paper, then have your kids write postcards of thanks to people! This simple act will bring so much joy to the receiver!

7. Gratitude Collage

Grab some magazines and have kids cut out pictures or words of things they are thankful for. Glue each of these things onto paper. Then have kids share with your family or class their gratitude collage!

8. Gratitude Stuffing

Using a brown paper lunch bag and some construction paper, make a turkey face! Add eyes, nose, gobbler, and feathers to your turkey. Then for each day in November, take slips of paper and have kids write down something they are thankful for. Then you can begin stuffing your turkey full of gratitude! See how big you can make your turkey by the end of the month!

9. Play-Doh Gratitude

Most kids (at least all the ones I have worked with) LOVE Play-Doh! Instruct kids to show gratitude using Play-Doh! They will shape their Play-Doh into objects that represent what they are thankful for.

10. Gratitude Post-It Challenge

This challenge involves helping others see the blessings in their lives! Pick a person a week to show thanks to! Using Post-It notes, have each family member write down things they are thankful for about that person. Then, take those Post-Its and place them where that person will see them (their bedroom door, the fridge in the kitchen, the office, the car, etc). You will be helping others see that they are an amazing blessing from the Lord!

These simple gratitude activities for kids and families will help them see the goodness of the Lord in their lives. It will show them how truly faithful God is to us, and will show them how to give thanks to God every day!

For more Gratitude or Thanksgiving Activities, check out these resources:

Gobble Up Gratitude

The Great Gratitude Feast

Things I Am Grateful For Printable for Kids

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Christena Daniels November 10, 2024 - 7:33 am

Love your youth ideas!!

Christena Daniels November 10, 2024 - 7:35 am

I’m excited to bring this youth games and activities to our youth ministry.

Jennifer Tripp November 9, 2023 - 3:46 pm

Thank you for these great Christian activities that promote gratitude in our preschoolers!


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